It's finally here. The website at least 6 people (including my mum) have been waiting for.

January 15, 2021

Hello and welcome to the new WhatWillyWebsite. On this fine piece of internet you will be able to do lots of fun and exciting things that you have probably always wanted to do. I just thought I’d knock something up as a rough guide. You’ve found this on the “Bits & Stuff” page and may be yet to explore the others.


Total lack of stress time. For all of you that like to request measurements and such this is the page for you. Here you will find written recipes for literally all the recipes that I do and have decided to actually write up. I will aim to get everything I share written up properly with measurements so that people can give them a good old proper go. Remember though, it’s way more fun if you guess quantities, just don’t overdo it with the hot chilli powder. These lovely recipes are divided up into groups based on what you're looking for. Vegan and veggie bits are put together, I hope that's okay guys. There are a few of both though so get stuck in! We've got recipes for showing off and recipes that are do-able in under 30 minutes and savoury; I've called these Savoury Snacks. We also have some Sweet Treats, something I need to really work on growing as a recipe section. I promise I will. There are also Fishy Dishies to sort you out when you're craving a mouthful of solid sea...or river.


Here you will find things a lot like this. Nonsense. You might also find very important things. Occasionally I may decide to write an article or announce that I’m performing at the Royal Albert Hall. It will be a bit of a mixed bag. For now though, you have this little introduction and a totally serious article that I wrote about natural wine. Tuck in.


This page is very important and a place where you can find out a little more about the ladies and gentlemen that help to make the Whatwilly brand what it is today. A lot of people, working really, really hard 24/7 to make sure that things flow smoothly. A lot like what you get when you look at the “meet the team” section on the website of a shite estate agency.


Take a look at your future, at your peril. I’ll just leave this one to you. Not much I can say about this.


At the moment there is fuck all for me to sell you but when I do eventually get some wicked sick merch put together, it’ll go here. You’ll be able to buy it. I will also be auctioning off three pairs of pants a year but I already know they’re going to go quick so you better be hot on it. There are actually some wicked bits and bobs that will be available to purchase very soon so I do hope that everyone is very excited about that.

That’s really all you need to know. I hope that you enjoy this website. It was designed by the absolutely excellent Dooka. These boys have been fantastic during the whole process of getting branding sorted to building this website which I am so very proud of, and proud of them for putting together. They have worked tirelessly between four man cuddle sessions to make this wonderfulness for me and in turn for everyone who wishes to enjoy it. Check them out, give them support, send them nudes (but only if you’ve asked them if it’s okay first because unsolicited nudes are NOT ALWAYS WELCOME).

Lots and lots and lots of love,

Willy xxx